Yifeng fraud reporting website

Report confidential, real name first, verification with award

Sunshine Policy
Report confidentiality policy
It is our most basic duty to keep the informant's information strictly confidential. We also require the investigated units and the person being reported against not to retaliate against the informant. Once found, they should be dealt with seriously.
Real name priority policy
We encourage to use real name for reporting and willbe given priority by providing timely feed back and inform the investigating results in a timely manner.
Reward policy once verified
No matter internal staff or external personnel, once verified, we will give material rewards to the informants according to the nature of the incident, the degree of influence and the cooperation of the informants, and strictly keep confidential.
Scope of acceptance

Accept the complaints and reports of employees or units of Yifeng who violate the code of professional ethics, such as malpractice and fraud. The quality of products and services that do not involve violation of the code of professional ethics are not within the scope of application of this website. Please handle them as follows:

Customer complaint hotline:0752-3331112
Customer complaint website:http://www.yfsy.com.cn/
Purchase email:yfyixiaofeng@163.com